Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Women's Mags

Warning: I am not trying to be sexist. If you are offended by my choice of gender magazines, go throw youself in a vat of acid. However, to be fair I will point out the stupidity of men's magazines tomorrow.

I read Rolling Stone. I have had a subscription for years. A few years ago I got my wife the magazine Jane. Jane does not exist anymore so I was offered Glamour instead. I said "no", but they send it to me anyway.

Glamour is a god awful magazine. Like Elle and all those other bullshit mags, the models are disgustingly thin and wearing shit nobody would ever wear. I don't understand why women would pay $5 to read a magazine that makes them look fat.

Women's mags are also full of ads. If you open one up, the first actual page of magazine is somewhere in the middle. The first 20 pages are all waifs laying on a canoe wearing ridiculous outfits.

I also find the articles to be humorous. Every single month they have the "Sexual Secrets Your Man Craves" or some shit like that. The articles are always written by women who have no fucking clue what we want. One might say "Your man craves something new. Try eating a bologna sandwich or hamburger before going down on him. He'll love your out-of-the-box thinking." WHAT? Are you blowing the fucking Burger King? Ronald McDonald?

If you want to know what your man wants in bed, open your damn mouth and ask. You don't need to hear it from Suzie Johnson who claims to know what we want.

By buying these magazines you are helping to feed the models crack addiction (you know they ain't eating), make men rich, and feed into the stereotype that make-up and clothing are all a woman thinks about(besides bologna blow jobs.)

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