Saturday, November 8, 2008


I think bars are fun only in certain situations. The first and most important one is that you are single and want to get some ass. The second is if you are meeting a big group of people. A good example of this is meeting co-workers on a Friday after work for happy hour. The third is some sort of event like karaoke or a wet t-shirt competition. All understandable.

What I don't understand is why people chose to go and spend their whole paycheck standing in a crowded shithole screaming back and forth to their friends. I mean you go to a bar and spend $5 for a bar (plus tip) when you could spend that for a six pack at home.

I understand people like to socialize and all, but small crowded bars are ridiculous. You know the ones, where you are pushed up against the jukebox with your hand unwillingly on some dude's ass and you have to wait for some movement in the crowd before you have enough room to pick up your glass to take a sip of your beer.

So if you ever see me at the bar it will be for a good reason. Either I was kidnapped or I am wasted already. Fuck you for judging me!

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