Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Get Yo Ass Down To Vote!

With our economy in the shitter and our international image damaged, we need to speak up as a country and vote. Today is the day for people to voice their opinions and help to make a change.
Four years ago we had a choice between two douchebags of different parties. There was not much of a difference between both of them and I think Kerry would have been just as moronic as Bush has.
If you can legally buy cigarettes and porn then get your ass down to vote. If you were too fucking lazy to register in the first place, you should be lined up behind an old storage shed and put down. You're useless and a drain on society.
Make sure you vote for who YOU think the best candidate is. Don't go by mom, dad, your loser fucking boyfriend, dying uncle Ned. You should think for yourself. Also, does it really matter who Nelly is voting for? I mean, where the fuck has he been for years? Celebrity endorsements are a joke.
Now, I have always been an independent and look at the candidates and their agendas. I have been outspoken about how I am voting for Obama, but I am not here to give my two cents. I hope you get off your lazy ass and vote. If you don't vote, hopefully you are leaning more towards McCain. Asshole.

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