Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tramp Stamps

Some girls wake up in the morning and decide "I'm going to get a corny tattoo right above my ass. That should get me some attention." Truer words have never been spoken. But why?

Chances are you are already getting attention if a guy is staring at your ass. A butterfly, rose, fairy, or asian symbol nobody (including you) knows about is not needed.

There are plenty of females who would argue this and say they did it because it would "look cute" or that "I just like the way it looks." Bullshit. You know you did it to get attention. Just like the low cut tops, whale tails, and tight ass jeans. Attention.

So ladies, if you have a trampstamp or are planning on getting one please at least be truthful about it. You don't want to be a liar on top of being a filthy whore.

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