Saturday, November 22, 2008

Whale Wars

T.V. is fucking out of its mind these days. I started watching this show Whale Wars on Animal Planet and it blew me away. Not because it had to do with whales or the preservation of whales, but because the humans involved are fucking nutballs!

There is a crew of volunteers who belong to an organization called Sea Shepard. They go out on this boat called Steve Irwin and they sail to Antarctica. The reason for doing this is that Japan "illegally" hunts and kills whales. These freaks go and stop them.

On the Steve Irwin they have small inflatable boats that they use to go closer to the big Japanese whaling ships to harass them. They throw some sickening chemical on to the deck of the whaling ship. They also throw ropes and shit into the propellar of the big ship to stop it.

The first day they found the whaling ship, two Steve Irwin members decide it would be a good idea to go up to the whaling ship and jump on to it to "deliver a letter." They are tied to the ship and kidnapped for 3 days.

The captain doesn't seem too phased that two of his men are in enemy territory. He is more worried about the damn whales. He calls the media and uses the kidnapping as a way to get media attention. The captain's name is Paul Watson and he co-founded Greenpeace but got the boot. I'm sure it's because he is an insane fucking moron.

I agree that whales shouldn't be hunted. I don't, however, think that we should sacrifice the lives of other humans to get publicity about what a great person I am for saving the whales. I hope somebody harpoons this motherfucker.

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