Sunday, November 30, 2008

Keyboard Numbers

Why the hell are there two sets of numbers on a keyboard? Are you that fucking lazy that you can't reach up on top of the letters to reach your precious numbers? I never even use the right side of my keyboard.

Every now and then I might need the services of my arrow keys. Other than that I don't even know why that shit is there. Couldn't we get rid of that side and make it more compact? Numberlock? When do I need to lock my numbers? What the fuck for?

I think in this horrific economical abyss we are falling into, the computer companies should get their shit together and stop wasting time producing all these extra numbers. Save time, money, and energy and rid the right side completely. Use those resources to make a keyboard that needs no touch. It can just read my mind and type what I am thinking. So what I am writing now would be by thought. So would this. And this. This I would type manually to make a point. But here I go again using my mind and not fingers to type. Double numbers...

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