You ever go to a place and feel that it does not live up to its name? That is how I feel whenever I walk into a Friendly's. That place is anything but Friendly. It doesn't matter if I got to one in the middle of a city or just somewhere in Shitsville, USA...these motherfuckers aren't friendly.
The first thing you notice in any Friendly's is that it has dim lighting to cover up that it is dirty as hell. They always have a sign up that says they will be happy to seat you. Untrue. They make you wait ten minutes before somebody bemoaningly comes over and throws you in a booth that still has straw wrappers on it and is right behind some annoying small children who like to kick the booth.
As soon as you pick up the menu you automatically feel the kethup, ice cream, snot, and general funk that people have been putting on it since the 30's. The waitress comes over 20 minutes later and you'll only see her when the food is dropped off and when she drops off the bill. Both times she will be annoyed about something and is probably praying for your slow and imminent death.
If you stay for dessert, make sure you order the "Cone Head." Back in the day it was called "Happy Ending" or some shit. It's a scoop of ice cream in a bowl with Reese's Pieces for eyes and a nose, whipped cream, and a chocolate dipped cone for a hat. They get pissed when I order this. Who cares how old I am? I just sat through your disservice, nasty food, and I want something I've had since I was four. Go get it and bring that shit back with a smile. Bitch.
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