Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oreo Pizza

Remember the old Dominos Oreo Pizza commerials? That was my favorite ad of all time hands down. It was funny, awkward, bizarre all in one. That is the only ad I would sit through. When it came on I would laugh my ass off. I don't even know if they still sell it. I don't even care. I just want them to do more of these commercials.

The only recent commercial that slightly amuses me is the new T-Mobile Family Plan one. The dad comes home and says he got the new family plan. The mom says they can call friends. Then one son says "we can call Skinny Pete." The look the father gives the kid is classic. This commercial is good, but not dynamite.

The oreo one is great because they have fucking oreos hanging off their faces. The older dude is like the wise one. Then each shot his face changes. It goes from a moustache to a goatee to a full on beard. Fuck me telling you about it. Watch the damn clip. Classic.

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