Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Certified Escort Vehicle Driver

This is the job to have. I totally fucked up in life. If I could turn back time and smack the hell out of my old self and change professions, this is the road I think I would take(no pun intended.)

These are the people you see who drive the cars or trucks on the highway in front of and behind a "Wide Load" truck. How fucking easy is that? Your only purpose in life is to tell people "hey shitlick, watch out for the giant fucking house on a truck behind me!" I could do that.

I wouldn't mind getting some XM radio in there and hitting the road in front of the house truck. Sometimes maybe the driver for the car/truck behind the house truck could fuck with people. Maybe we would sandwich a moped so it would say "Wide Load" on our trucks, but we would be escorted a shitty bike. Maybe we would also ge tthe driver of the house truck to park in the middle of a highway and we could pretend to be "living" in the house. I think people would love to see a show. Especially if they are stuck in traffic due to a giant fucking house blocking their way.

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