Monday, October 20, 2008


I am not religious at all. I personally think that religion is a crutch for some insecurities in one's life. It doesn't matter which religion it is, I am not a believer.

I got home tonight to a pamphlet that was left on my door all about god and how we are paying for our sins through pain and suffering. I wish these fucking godknockers would skip my door every once in a while. A perfectly good piece of paper was wasted on this nonsense. Maybe not wasted...I could use it as toilet paper.

Anyways, Jesus was a Jew. He died for the sins of the world. Did he go to heaven or hell? I thought Jews go to hell. So wouldn't he go to hell? These people need to get their stories straight.

Don't get me wrong. If you believe in religion, that is cool. I'm just not a believer. Unless you have money or a midget, don't knock on my door.

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