Saturday, September 6, 2008

What is the point?

I don't know where this whole blogging craze came from and why it is so popular. I personally don't give a shit what is going on in people's everyday lives. I'm sure you feel the same about mine.

I got a haircut today. I'm sure whoever actually reads this crap will shit their pants in excitement. You may be wondering why I decided to cut my hair. You may ask youself why I would have some man with a thick Hispanic accent, no hair, and a little too much of a lisp touch my head. It is quite simple really. He is cheap and I have no money. I work with children and can't look like a guy who might own a van for diddling purposes. That is not kosher and you're a sick fuck for thinking it.

That is all for today. I hope I helped touch or change your life in some way. Have your pets spayed and neutered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only worthwhile part of this blog is the monkey, that's it.