Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Have you ever dreamed of coming home after a nice long day to change out of your workclothes and into a giant blanket? Ever dream of playing the role of a dirty priest? For any of you sick fucks that have, meet the Snuggie.

The Snuggie is constantly being shown on t.v. as a wearable blanket. It is such a creepy item. They show people of different ages, genders, and sizes wearing this thing and EVERY single one of them looks creepy.

The point of it is when you are watching t.v. and you move, the blanket might slide off or move too much. Also when you reach for sometjhing you might get caught up in a blanket. With a Snuggie it covers your body and has sleeves so you can grab items.

Besides the fact that you look like a fruity priest (with the variety of the colors of the rainbow)it is just a stupid idea. Who the hell is buying this shit? If your life is so fucking miserable because the blanket slides off your lazy ass while watching t.v. then you might have some real issues.

If anyone reading this ever decides to buy a Snuggie, please follow these directions:1.) Set yourself on fire.
2.)If that doesn't work call a friend or neighbor
3.)Have friend or neighbor tie the sleeves together
4.)Have them tie a few brick to the sleeves
5.)Kindly ask them to throw you in a deep waterway

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh you are going to love this...

I HAVE ONE!!! hahahaha
but i use it as a regular blanket...the arms get i pretty much defeat the whole purpose of the "snuggie"