Monday, January 19, 2009

Conjoined Twins

I was reading an article online about these 18 year old conjoined twins. It said how they want to lead a "normal life" and get married. Yeah right. Who the fuck are they kidding?

One wants to be like a pilot or some shit and they other girl wants to be a teacher. Hey girls I got some news for you. Nobody is going to hire two heads on a body. Unless you dress up in a bathing suit with a boa attached and hang out with the bearded lady, nobody will hire you.

And they think they will get married? Who in their right fucking mind will want two girls ALL the time. I guess it would be cool for a little while but when you fight with one, the other one will be right there. Plus would it be considered polygomy? Is it a threesome? Or not because it is one body with two heads? Hold on....I gotta go puke....

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