Saturday, December 13, 2008

Wealthy Whiners

This past Spring I graduated with my Masters in Elementary Education. In my last semester I took some bullshit class with two professors. We originally only had one, but they felt that the class was too big (a whopping 20 of us)and brought in another one. Instead of splitting us up they kept us in one stuffy room and the two of them took turns spewing out nonsense.

One day they were talking about what teachers will run into in public school life. They mentioned problems with parents and low salaries. They said how salaries and respect never match the work you do. They said how the salaries are so poor that most teachers have to get a second job (like them.)

Fast forward to yesterday. I am perusing my local paper online and sure enough for no particular reason they decided to publish the salaries of all the teachers who work in the district these two ass monkeys work for. One was hired in 1971 and makes $120,109. The other was hired in 1992 and makes $116,247. WHAT???? ARE YOU SHITTING ME?

It sucks for the first teacher that she has 21 years more of experience and only makes about 4k more than the other teacher, but c'mon! These salaries don't even account for how much they make as professors! How can you complain about salaries when you make as much as some principals do?

I support teachers and decent salaries. Even if you do make that much as a teacher or administrator, never talk about your financial hardships to people struggling. If you do, you're an ass and should be set ablaze in your pile of money.

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