Back before there were affordable cell phones we had pagers. The pager fad was all the rage for a while and you weren't cool unless you had a pager. Then everyone got a cellphone and the pager faded away into oblivion.
I find it odd that the most common place to find a pager is in a hospital. In a place where the newest technological contraptions are being used to save lives, pagers are worn on doctors. I have seen doctors walking around with 2 or 3 of them. WTF? If there is a fucking emergency wouldn't a cellphone be a better option? A device where you can either answer and find out directly what is going on or at least be able to call back. Fucking crazy.
All I am saying is that if I am ever in the hospital and my doctor comes rolling up to my bed with a pager on I will deck the motherfucker for endangering my life.
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