If you do not know who this man is yet please throw yourself in front of a tractor trailer. He is the current Governor of New York. The first African American Governor in New York. He is also a blind cocksucker. He was also the topic of a controversial skit on SNL (which I thought was hysterical.) I wonder if he saw it... ohhh...that's right he is fucking blind!
I refer to him as a "cocksucker" because I wish that he were not blind so all New Yorkers could come together and take turns gouging his fucking eyes out so he becomes blind...you know, the fun way.
New York is currently the only state that charges a "luxury tax" for toilet paper. Boy, it sure is so much fun to wipe my ass. Since when did wiping your ass become a luxury? Are we supposed to let shit cake up and learn to live with rashes?
This prick Paterson has come up with the genius idea to tax New Yorkers for basically everything now but breathing. I'm sure we will be charged for each breathe soon.
He wants to tax more gasoline prices, movies, sporting events, plays, mp3 downloads, and even sugar soda. He is calling the sugar soda an "obesity tax" and it will also count for any sugary liquid that contains less than 70% real juice.Unfucking real.
He is also going to start charging Native Americans NY taxes for cigarettes. They have been allowed to sell them on their reservations forever sort of like a "gentleman's agreement" for us stealing their land and slaughtering them. Now he wants to charge them! We are charging them for the shit we stole from them! It's like cutting off somebody's dong and then selling it back to him. Ouch.
You know this blind motherfucker gets all kind of discounts and special help because he can't tell the differene between his dick and his toes when he looks down. And now he is fucking the whole state in the ass. Too bad we took the luxury to wipe.
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