As the end of the year comes to a close in a few hours, I figured I would do my best to kind of sum up how the year went.
Heath Ledger kicked the bucket. He died from an overdose of prescription drugs. Before he died he made the Dark Knight and I think his death makes him even more legendary.
The Yankees were a terrible baseball team. They bought all the finest players and proved their worth by getting destroyed and not even making the playoffs. To show that they never fucking learn, they just bought the top 3 free agents this winter for millions and millions of dollars to prove that they can still buy lots of product to fail.
In New York our Governor resigned due to the fact that he was banging hookers. He was found to even have them travel down to D.C. from New York. At least he was putting money back into NY. Go back a few entries if you need to be refreshed about what I think of the new Governor.
We elected our first black president. It was a long fight, but America realized that if we didn't elect him we would be lead by a corpse for 4 years.
Sarah Palin became a household name for all the wrong reasons. She was nice to look at, but painful to listen to. She is the biggest moron without the last name "Hilton."
Tina Fey made it big this year. She starred in Baby Mama. She also had another great season of 30 Rock. Her best work, however, was showing the world how stupid Sarah Palin is on SNL skits. She also made it to sex symbol status.
Gas prices were about $4 a gallon for a long ass time and greedy execs were raking in the dough. We then went downhill as a country and gas is the lowest it's been in 5 years.
The biggest story this year was our economy. We are now in a recession thanks to corporate greed and stupidity on our part. Because of this we lost Linens 'N Things. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????????