Monday, February 23, 2009

Five Alive

Anyone who was alive in the early 80's should remember a weird ass drink called Five Alive. It was stocked in the juice aisle right next to the Orange Juice. Back then in came in two flavors. I have no idea what flavors they were but I know one came in a blue carton and other in a green carton. They also sold it in the frozen aisle next to all the other juice drinks that were packaged too much like biscuit tins.

They never really advertised it as much as Sunny D or Tang. It was like the red headed stepchild of all shitty juice wannabe drinks. I was never allowed to drink any of those drinks. When I got older and tasted them I think my parents weren't concerned about the sugar, but more that they were protecting me from nasty shit.

Anyone who was alive in the early 80's and have no idea what the fuck I am talking about is either an asshole or a Commie. Either way...YOU'RE AN ASS!

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