So I read the local paper online everyday to see what is going on in my community. Every now and then I will read an article that just kicks around in my head all day. One that I cannot completely grasp.
Yesterday's paper had an article on a 19 year old man who was arrested for walking on the median of a highway near me. It wasn't just the fact that he was walking, he was covered in red paint and holding a deer's head and leg. I'll let you reread that and think about it for a minute...
WTF? For me the most disturbing thing(aside from the carcass carrying) is that he didn't just go one way or another. He didn't just cover himself in PAINT and carry a FAKE deer's head and leg. He also didn't cover himself in BLOOD and carry a REAL deer's head and leg. He went for the variety. He figured he would just mix it up a little.
I hope this fuckin' fruit loop either gets the help he needs, or maybe a chimp. The chimp will teach him a lesson on fuckin' with animals.