Saturday, March 28, 2009

Meg Ryan

Hatred. That is the only word to describe my innermost feelings towards Meg Ryan. I hate her movies and her one character. She makes Jim Varney (aka Ernest)look like fucking Charles Heston.
Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail are two of her biggest movies. The funny thing is You've Got Mail is basically an updated version of Sleepless in Seattle. She is struggling for love and finds it in an unsuspecting Tom Hanks. I hate Tom Hanks for being in these piece of shit, but he has some kickass films that need not be listed.
What else has Meg Ryan been in? Not much. But most of it is her playing the cute normal girl who falls for a guy. Time has put some wrinkles on that annoying face and she can't get those roles anymore. Take that bitch.
Look for Meg Ryan as a geriatric patient who gets set up by her asswiping aide with another patient (Hanks) at an exciting game of Bingo. It is called Lifeless in Fairmeadow.


Anonymous said...

Do you have a hate problem?

Seek help, it's pointless to be so negative and sour!

OJ said...

I don't "have a hate problem." I have a problem with stupid fucking people and their ideas. Seems as though I hit a nerve with my Meg Ryan banter. Maybe you're her. She doesn't have anything else to do but Google herself now that her career is in the shitter.