Thursday, April 23, 2009

Ikea Lady

Over the years there have been many creepy mascots and spokepeople for companies. The Burger King guy is one of the creepiest to come out in years. Now there is a new one.

The other night while I was watching Scrubs the new Ikea commercial came on. It had an Asian woman doing shit in her kitchen and then out from a dark corner comes this old African American Lady.

She has a raspy voice and tries to sound all poetic and shit. The Asian lady doesn't see her. The African American woman keeps going on and on while the Asian moves around her.

It's bad enough we have mascots with creepy heads and fucking Ashton Kutcher dancing around like an ass with his camera. Why do we need creepy old people? It's bad enough we send them down to Florida to die, but why exploit their insanity?

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