Last night I was reading that a restaurant in NYC was charging $.50 per ice cube in their drinks. As ridiculous as it sounds, I am not surprised. It is New York for god sakes! I'm surpised they don't charge a quarter for the goddamn straw.
The best part of the article mentions that they have been doing this for years. All of a sudden somebody actually looked at what they were paying for? Or was it that most people that dine out at fancy restaurants don't give a shit?
If you choose to dine at an expensive restaurant in NYC then you should expect to lose a paycheck or two. If you are looking to save money go over to some greasy spoon over in Jersey where you can get your ice for free. It might not be fresh ice. It might even had been used to keep a snitch's body from decomposing. But it's free so quit your bitching.
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